1.The inland taipan snake is considered to be the most venomous of all snakes! However, because of its shy nature, not many people have been bitten by it.
2. Scientists think reptiles date back to 312 million years ago. Dinosaurs were actually reptiles!
3. Many reptiles do not chew their food, they swallow it whole. This makes their digestion process slower as a result.
4. Reptiles, like crocodiles and alligators, can live on one meal for a few months at a time!
5. The largest reptile is the saltwater crocodile. A Komodo Dragon is the largest lizard.
6. A crocodile’s biting power is the same as a great white shark!
7. The smallest reptile is the Brookesia Nana Chameleon or Nano-Chameleon. This chameleon was discovered in 2021 and is around the same size as a sunflower seed.
8. If a common lizard is attacked by a predator, it will shed its tail as a distraction!
9. Many people think that snakes dislocate their jaw in order to eat larger mammals – this isn’t true! A snake’s jaw is connected by stretchy ligaments and muscles that allow its mouth to open so wide. There is no dislocation involved!
10. Reptiles are some of the longest-lived species on the planet. Giant tortoises can live for over 150 years.